Environmental Site Assessment

Soil, Surface Water, Groundwater, Waste Material

Big solutions from small things...

We recognize that sometimes clients may ask us to perform only a simple task. At other times, we may be asked to analyze the client's problem and recommend a solution. That solution may include a lot of individual blocks: land ownership and access, compliance with existing environmental regulations, determining the nature and extent of soil and groundwater contamination, impacts to third party properties, overcoming field logistical issues, selecting the right technology and field techniques, and field implementation and confirmation testing. We are here to help you...

Our Services

We support our clients in the area of environmental science and engineering. Our capabilities include environmental engineering, geology and hydrogeology, ecology, land use, human and ecological risk assessment, and remediation/decontamination using scientists and engineers who are recognized authorities in their respective fields, and who have demonstrated their ability to assess complex problems in a systematic manner.

Our services include:

  • Environmental Consultation
  • Permitting and Regulatory Compliance
  • Site Reconnaissance and Evaluation
  • Site Historical (Legacy) Contamination Assessment
  • Data and Information Compilation and Management
  • Environmental Multi-Media Sampling and Analysis
  • Soil and Groundwater Remedial Investigation
  • Environmental Studies and Assessments
  • Nature and Extent of Contamination
  • Fate and Transport of Chemicals in the Environment
  • Electromagnetic Imaging
  • Environmental Forensics